Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Breakfast Blog Entry

I spent the last six months unwittingly fasting the blog. So, this is my "breakfast" entry, so to speak. When I look back at the last six months, I realize a lot of life happened. A lot of firsts for Zachary, and some for us, too.

Today is our first real snow of the season. And, I look out the window of--where else?--Starbucks, and see a gorgeous white blanket that makes me want to catch the first flight to Fort Lauderdale. I think coming into our seventh winter in Chicago, I've decided I really don't care for snow. Is this because I have a three year-old to schlep around in it? Or, because I have seen more than a native Pacific Northwesterner should in her life? I am not sure. Stay tuned, maybe I will dissect these questions further.

Soon I will hop in the pimpin' minivan and head to Zachary's school for their Christmas "Cup of Juice." I think this entails a craft together, a cookie, and (of course) a cup of juice. This is only one of two times I will get to do this with him, so I intend to soak up the entire experience thoroughly. Then, we'll hop back in aforementioned vehicle, and we'll slippity-slide home.

Winter is here. Blech.


Kelly said...

She blogs! A lovely entry, Tiffany, and I do not envy your cold or snow in the least. We are hovering at about 25 right now and it's far too cold for me. I was made for the islands, darn it!

Farrah said...

I always love the snow when it is falling and maybe a day or two afterwards. But, I really dislike the muddy, slushy phase of snow. :( Oh, and the frigid temps. I can do without those too. This Florida-girl has my fill of winter on about day 2. :)

Random thought... would you ever want to write something for Dupage Mamas? Either sporadic or regularly? I would love it!! :)