Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Thankful Soup

I think back to 2009, and I am reminded that I have many things for which I can be thankful. I also see some areas in my life that I would like to grow in 2010. So, tonight I write my thanks. Perhaps tomorrow I will gain the courage to write what I hope 2010 will look like in my life.

1. I am thankful for my relationship with Jesus Christ, and His willingness to always extend grace to me; though I continually fall short of portraying Him and His love to my family, friends, and strangers.

2. Mr. Right. Adam is a fantastic balance to me and my (many) quirks. He is loving, patient, kind, and the best father to Zachary. Plus, he's hot.

3. Zachary. That kid brings smiles and laughs each day. His arrival in our lives was life-altering. It turned us upside down and inside out. I never knew I could love so much or so hard. My favorite phrase of his (recently) is, "I dig you, Mom!" Could it get any sweeter?

4. Employment. In the midst of a highly tumultuous economy, Adam and I both have steady employment. I am increasingly reminded of what a true gift this is; and as if that isn't enough, I truly enjoy what I do, and the people with whom I work.

5. Home. We have a warm, cozy home. It isn't the biggest--it's a townhouse--or the swankiest in the area. But it's ours, and we laugh, play, eat, and enjoy life in this little home.

6. Family and friends. This year has brought with it pain, waiting, wondering, and more questions than there are stars in the sky. Through it all, I have had the support and love of my family and friends, who often offered encouragement with a simple smile or hug. You know who you are. Thank you.

I am deeply, richly blessed. Reflecting on the good in life often makes the bad more bearable.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Breakfast Blog Entry

I spent the last six months unwittingly fasting the blog. So, this is my "breakfast" entry, so to speak. When I look back at the last six months, I realize a lot of life happened. A lot of firsts for Zachary, and some for us, too.

Today is our first real snow of the season. And, I look out the window of--where else?--Starbucks, and see a gorgeous white blanket that makes me want to catch the first flight to Fort Lauderdale. I think coming into our seventh winter in Chicago, I've decided I really don't care for snow. Is this because I have a three year-old to schlep around in it? Or, because I have seen more than a native Pacific Northwesterner should in her life? I am not sure. Stay tuned, maybe I will dissect these questions further.

Soon I will hop in the pimpin' minivan and head to Zachary's school for their Christmas "Cup of Juice." I think this entails a craft together, a cookie, and (of course) a cup of juice. This is only one of two times I will get to do this with him, so I intend to soak up the entire experience thoroughly. Then, we'll hop back in aforementioned vehicle, and we'll slippity-slide home.

Winter is here. Blech.