Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Love Poppa

Don't you love Grandma and Grandpa? The kind you can leave your kid with and know that they are going to have more fun than you could ever dream up? My dad is in town for a couple of weeks, and I have to tell you...after dreaming up the insanity of a garage sale (I don't recommend it), I'm wiped out! Poppa to the rescue! Zachary has had more fun with him in a few days than I think we've had together in months. He loves it when Poppa tickles his "bewwy", reads books to him, and wakes up early (5 a.m.) to start the day right. Hey Poppa, want a grandson for a couple of months? 5 a.m. is just way too early for this one!

For sure, we miss having Grandma around, it makes for a different kind of visit. But, the Grants Pass grandkids get to enjoy her one on one for a change.