Monday, November 24, 2008

Favorite Zacharyisms

Zachary's verbal abilities have exploded in the past couple of months. Because of that, he's come up with some pretty funny things that I just have to write down. If I don't, I will forget, and that would be a shame. So, here they are:

-Talking to Adam about the leaves that have fallen off of the trees: "Need to buy some more leafs at Target."

-In response to pretty much any question: "Um, no, I fink so" (which, in Bob the Builder world is, "Uh, yes, I think so")

-When given something (like milk, snack, food, you get the idea): "Fank you, welcome."

-Inquiry: "Where's the old stove?" "Backing up." (in the truck that hauled it away)

-General food statement: "It's yucky...IT'S YUMMY"

-When taking off his jammies because they were wet and dirty: "Need to buy some more jammies at Target." (Do you see a theme here?)

-When something is broken (including crackers): "Need-a tape."

-Overheard singing: "Yes, Jesus loves juice, the Bible tells me so."

Us out "truck-or-treating"


selfadam said...

My personal fave is "need-a tape" :).

Anonymous said...

OH, I just love him! He sounds just like me: you can buy anything at Target :-)! I can hear him saying all those things because I've heard the same cute things through the years. I love toddlerese so much! I'm so glad you're writing it down because you will forget! I love the Halloween pics. So cute!